Our Speakers

Inventor of the Business Model Canvas, Bestselling Author #4 Thinkers50,Founder & CEO of Strategyzer,

Allan Dib is a serial entrepreneur, rebellious marketer, and #1 bestselling author. He has started, grown, and successfully exited multiple businesses in various industries. One of his previous businesses was in the telecommunications industry, where he faced heated competition from multibillion-dollar, multinational competitors. It went from startup to four years later being named by Business Review Weekly (BRW) as one of the country's fastest-growing companies - earning a spot in the coveted BRW Fast 100 list. Allan is passionate about helping businesses find new and innovative ways to leverage technology and marketing to facilitate rapid business growth. As a highly sought-after business coach, consultant, and public speaker, he frequently shares his proven strategies and cutting-edge tactics with people all over the world.

Andrew Grant is the CEO of Tirian International Consulting and co-author of the book Who Killed Creativity? He is an experienced facilitator and keynote speaker, helping market innovation leaders establish a culture of innovation. Andrew has worked with companies like Nestle, Four Seasons Hotels, Disney, Mercedes Benz, and large financial institutions around the world, providing offering resources used by Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

Bob Nelson is a professional keynote speaker, author, and consultant who is widely recognized as one of the leading authorities on employee recognition, motivation, and engagement. He started his career as a management professor and has since written several books, including "1001 Ways to Reward Employees", which has sold over 1.4 million copies. Nelson's work has been featured in numerous media outlets, and he has received several awards for his contributions to the field of employee motivation. He continues to be a sought-after speaker and consultant for organizations looking to improve their employee engagement strategies.

About Brian Piper is an author, speaker, and consultant. He is the Director of Content Strategy and Assessment at the University of Rochester and has been optimizing digital content since 1996. He has created online training programs for hundreds of […]

Brian Tracy is a well-known author, motivational speaker, and success coach who has written over 70 books on personal and professional development. His teachings focus on goal setting, time management, sales, and leadership, and he has trained millions of people around the world. Tracy's philosophy emphasizes self-discipline, perseverance, and taking action toward achieving one's goals. He provides practical strategies, tools, and advice to help individuals and organizations maximize their potential and achieve success.

Costas Markides is a globally recognized academic and consultant who specializes in strategic innovation, business model innovation, and organizational design. He has authored several books and articles on these topics and is a professor of strategy and entrepreneurship at the London Business School. He is also a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, helping businesses identify and implement effective growth strategies.

Cyriel Kortleven is a Belgian motivational speaker, author, and trainer who specializes in creativity, innovation, and change. He has delivered inspiring speeches and facilitated workshops for a diverse range of clients and has authored several books, including "Less is Beautiful" and "And Now What?” Kortleven encourages people to embrace uncertainty and take risks, challenging conventional thinking in order to create new and innovative solutions. His engaging and humorous approach to storytelling and teaching has made him a sought-after speaker around the world.

Strategic Advisor, Innovation Expert, and Bestselling Author.

Startup Coach | Love to Help Eco-Friendly Startups and Growth Hackers Grow | Author of Growing Happy Clients

Dave Ulrich is an American organizational scholar, professor, consultant, and author known for his research on human resources and leadership development. He is a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, a partner at the consulting firm The RBL Group, and has authored over 30 books on topics such as leadership, talent management, and HR transformation. Ulrich's contributions to the field of HR have had a significant impact on business practices, and he continues to be a thought leader in the industry.

Managing Director, Innosight | Best-Selling Author

Gary Dessler is a renowned author and human resource management expert. He has written many books on HR, including "Human Resource Management," which is widely used in universities and organizations worldwide. Dessler has also taught at various universities and conducted training programs for many top companies. His expertise lies in areas such as talent management, compensation management, and organizational culture, and he is considered an authority in the HR field.

Called a "man of action" by TIME magazine, Gilmore is a Forbes Top 20 "Social Media Influencer" and also ranked a top influencer in Digital Transformation, and Emerging Tech. Dubbed a "futurist" by IBM, Gilmore is an international speaker providing Digital Transformation and Marketing strategy and training to the Fortune 500. COLLABORATIONS: Salesforce, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, AT&T, Ericsson, VMware, Lenovo, Omron, Verizon, IBM, NASA, NATO, Viking & Fathom Cruises, Wines Of Sicily, Jordanian Tourism, JNJ, FedEx. Founding faculty: Digital Marketing Executive Programs at Rutgers University School of Business, teaching Brand Management, Digital Marketing, Crisis Communications, Emerging Tech, and Global Social Media Law. Gilmore; authored the book "Social Media Law for Business". Contributing author to "Strategic Digital Marketing", and advises clients on strategy, trends, Digital Marketing & Transformation best practices, online community building, influencer marketing, community management, reputation management, compliance, and governance.

Jack Fitz-enz is a renowned author, consultant, and pioneer of human resource metrics. He has written numerous books, including "The ROI of Human Capital" and "How to Measure Human Resource Management." Jack is also the founder of the Human Capital Institute, which provides education and resources for human resource professionals. His work has made significant contributions to the field of human resource management, and he is a sought-after speaker and consultant.

Jeroen De Flander is a renowned speaker, mentor, and author who specializes in strategy execution and leadership development. He has helped numerous companies and individuals achieve their goals by delivering effective training and coaching sessions. His training programs focus on cultivating a winning mindset and empowering individuals to take action toward achieving their objectives. Jeroen continues to inspire and motivate others through his books, podcasts, and online courses. He is passionate about helping people unlock their full potential and reach their personal and professional aspirations.

Co-Chairman Living Tomorrow, Founder TomorrowLab / Group Managing Partner, Author of the book Why Innovation Fails.

John Riker is the Managing Director of Blue Ocean Strategy Initiative Centre Limited and Co-Director of INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute. He specializes in the corporate sector application and research of Blue Ocean Strategy, studying factors such as organizational culture, systems, processes, and leadership behaviors. Riker advocates for companies to focus on creating uncontested market spaces and uniqueness rather than competition-based strategies to increase growth and profitability. He provides guidance to businesses looking to develop a Blue Ocean Strategy and is a valuable asset for companies seeking to execute effective business strategies.

Jonah Berger is a marketing professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and internationally bestselling author of Contagious, Invisible Influence, and The Catalyst. Dr. Berger is a world-renowned expert on change, word of mouth, influence, consumer behavior, and how products, ideas, and behaviors catch on. He has published over 50 articles in top‐tier academic journals like The New York Times and Harvard Business Review. He teaches one of Wharton’s highest-rated and most popular online courses. He’s keynoted hundreds of events, and often consults for organizations like Google, Nike, Apple, and the Gates Foundation.

Jonas Ridderstrale is a Swedish author, management thinker, and keynote speaker. He is known for his expertise in leadership, creativity, and innovation. Ridderstrale has written several books, including "Funky Business" and "Karaoke Capitalism," which have been translated into over 30 languages. He believes that success in the modern world requires businesses to be innovative, disruptive, and constantly evolving. Ridderstrale's work has been praised for its practical insights and ability to inspire people to think differently about leadership and management.

Head of Growth at JustPark and Growth Hacker

Lynda Gratton is a well-known author and professor of Management Practice at the London Business School. She is also the founder of the Hot Spots Movement, a research and consulting firm. Gratton is a leading expert in the areas of workforce transformation, the future of work, and career development. Her work focuses on helping organizations and individuals prepare for the future of work through skill-building, collaboration, and adaptation. Gratton has written several books and articles on these topics and is a sought-after speaker and advisor for businesses and governments around the world.

Founder of Bain Consulting, Texas Office

One of the World’s Most Recognized Experts on Network Business Models and Co-Author of the International Bestseller Platform Revolution

Max Lenderman has a pulse on the future so that you and your business can win today. Throughout his career as CCO, CMO and CEO at global ad agencies and fast-growing brands, Max has worked at the forefront of marketing’s evolution. His first book 15 years ago made the term “experiential marketing” part of a brand’s lexicon and is still considered “the best book on experiential marketing.” His second book presented outrageously effective marketing campaigns from around the world. And for the past decade, he has consulted Fortune 100 companies on the power of purpose in marketing – years before the term “brand purpose” became a must-have in business. He is also a well-known marketing voice in the world of web3, having launched one of the earliest web3 consulting agencies in early 2021. He is currently helping brands and businesses understand the “phygital” connections between digital and physical worlds that will be the next frontier of marketing and advertising.  He is a columnist for Adweek and Campaign magazines, where he writes the “Into the Metaverse” column. He has spoken at major conferences like SXSW, Consensus, Forbes CMO Summit, Advertising Week, The Art of Marketing and X-Prize, as well as dozens of marketing conferences and company off-sites.  Max is a masterful “explainer” and connecter. If you are interested in innovation, creativity and insight to unlock business growth and social impact, Max will help you look within and see around the corner.  Columns in Adweek Columns in Campaign

PhD | MBA, has worked very intensively in recent years on the mindset that enables us to solve different types of problems. Michael is a best-selling author, award-winning design thinking and business ecosystem design thought leader, business entrepreneur, and visiting professor at various universities globally. His ideas, books, and company, Lewrick & Company, help mobilize people around the world to better lead innovation, digital transformation, and business growth in an era of increasingly rapid change. He is the author of the international best-sellers Design Thinking Series, including titles like, Design Thinking and Innovation Metrics, Design Thinking for Business Growth, The Design Thinking Toolbox, and The Design Thinking Playbook, in which he describes the mindful transformation of people, teams, ecosystems, and organizations. He works intensively with universities and companies, and places the self-efficacy of people in personal and organizational change projects at the center of his activities. As an internationally recognized expert in the field of digital transformation and the management of innovation, Michael has helped numerous companies to develop and scale growth strategies.

Michael Porter is a Harvard Business School professor and expert in competitive strategy. His work helps companies identify and maintain their competitive advantage by making deliberate choices about where to compete and how to differentiate themselves from competitors. Porter emphasizes creating a strategy that leverages a company's unique strengths and weaknesses while considering external opportunities and threats. His five forces framework is used to analyze industry competition, allowing companies to position themselves for success. Porter's work has had a profound impact on the field of business strategy, improving competitiveness and profitability for many companies.

Peter Fisk is a renowned business consultant, author, and keynote speaker. He has worked with numerous organizations worldwide, including Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and HSBC, to help them innovate and grow. Fisk is the founder of the Thinkers50 Innovation Awards and has written several bestselling books on strategy, marketing, and innovation. His goal is to help businesses navigate the complexities of the modern world and develop innovative solutions to achieve success.

Philip Kotler is an influential American marketing expert and professor, often referred to as the "father of modern marketing." He has authored over 80 books and countless academic articles on the subject of marketing, and his work has had a significant impact on the development of marketing strategies used by businesses around the world. Through teaching, speaking engagements, and writing, Kotler has helped to shape marketing as a field and has been recognized with numerous awards for his contributions.

Ram Charan is a prominent business advisor and author with a focus on leadership, strategy, and corporate governance. He has served as an advisor to CEOs and top executives of numerous Fortune 500 companies and has written over 25 books on various management topics. Charan is known for his practical and straightforward approach to business management and has been featured in publications such as Harvard Business Review and The Wall Street Journal.

Ramon Vullings is a well-known keynote speaker, an expert in cross-industry innovation, and a futurist who helps organizations create innovative ideas by combining seemingly unrelated concepts from different industries. He also teaches individuals and businesses how to think creatively and encourages them to embrace change and adapt to the constantly evolving business landscape. His innovative strategies have been applied to a variety of sectors, including healthcare, finance, and technology.

Roger Martin is a Canadian professor and business thinker who is best known for his work on integrative thinking. He has taught at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto and has been a consultant to various companies and organizations. His approach to problem-solving emphasizes bringing seemingly opposing ideas and perspectives together in order to find innovative solutions. Martin has also written several books on management and leadership, including "The Opposable Mind" and "Playing to Win." He is considered a leading authority on strategy and design thinking.

Stephen Covey was an American author, motivational speaker, and educator who was best known for his book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." Covey's teachings focused on personal development, leadership, and self-improvement. He believed that effective habits, such as being proactive, setting goals, and listening to others, were key to success in both personal and professional life. Covey's work has inspired millions of people around the world to make positive changes in their lives. He passed away a few years ago but his legacy continues to influence individuals and organizations worldwide.

Steve Schiffman is a sales expert and trainer who has authored several books on sales techniques. He has over 30 years of experience in the industry and has worked with companies such as AT&T and IBM. Schiffman's training programs focus on prospecting, customer retention, and closing techniques. He is also the founder of D.E.I. Management Group, a sales consulting firm, has been featured in several media outlets, including The Wall Street Journal and Forbes.

Inventor of the digital camera.

Tony Buzan is a bestselling author and educational consultant who is best known for developing the mind-mapping technique. He has written over 100 books on memory, creativity, and learning and has traveled the world giving seminars on his methods. Buzan is a strong advocate for improving education systems and encouraging creativity in students.

Founder and CEO of Strategyn, Inventor, Best-Selling Author, and Innovation Thought Leader.