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It is no longer sufficient to do the same things as the competition. Instead, you always need to keep looking for the next way to serve your customer better by working more effectively, efficiently, and sustainably. You will not find this 'next practice' within your department or organization. Therefore, let yourself be inspired by the top marketing gurus from around the world.

Connect To The Future of Marketing

This event is not only designed for Branding Managers, Commercial Heads of Marketing, Marketing Managers and Directors, but CEO’s, Managing Directors, General Managers, Consultants and Line Managers who hold a responsibility for the communications strategies of respective organisations. Advertising Agencies, Digital Marketing Agencies, Branding Agencies, Marketing practitioners from public spheres including universities, and government institutions will also gain a huge sum of knowledge and practical tools from the speaker’s new, yet unpublished ideas.

[interactive_banner_2 banner_title=”Get Into The Metaverse” banner_desc=”The Metaverse is a confusing place and is growing fast. Explore the future with us by investing your time at our MARKETING+ event. The event represents the intersection of updated marketing content, experience, and technology.” banner_image=”id^3673|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^get-into-metaverse-image|description^null” banner_style=”style1″ banner_min_height_op=”custom” image_opacity=”1″ image_opacity_on_hover=”1″ banner_title_style=”font-weight:bold;” banner_min=”253″ banner_title_font_size=”desktop:27px;” banner_title_line_height=”desktop:26px;”]
[interactive_banner_2 banner_title=”Influence Your Target Audience” banner_desc=”Your effective marketing relies on identifying a lucrative target audience and then finding ways to access and influence it by continuously providing value to them and communicating interesting yet relatable content.” banner_image=”id^3621|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^Registration Area|description^null” banner_style=”style1″ banner_min_height_op=”custom” image_opacity=”1″ image_opacity_on_hover=”1″ banner_title_style=”font-weight:bold;” banner_min=”253″ banner_title_font_size=”desktop:27px;” banner_title_line_height=”desktop:27px;”]
[interactive_banner_2 banner_title=”Secret Science Behind Word-Of-Mouth” banner_desc=”By understanding the science behind why people talk and share, companies and organizations can get more word of mouth for their products and ideas and help those products and ideas catch on along the way.” banner_image=”id^2871|url^|caption^null|alt^a|title^landing-bottom-background-img|description^null” banner_style=”style1″ banner_min_height_op=”custom” image_opacity=”1″ image_opacity_on_hover=”1″ banner_title_style=”font-weight:bold;” banner_min=”253″ banner_title_font_size=”desktop:27px;” banner_title_line_height=”desktop:27px;”]
[interactive_banner_2 banner_title=”Reinventing The CMO Role” banner_desc=”CMOs today face greater expectations than their predecessors did to become Digital Transformation Leaders, having a profound, deep understanding of their customers and how to properly engage with them, drive company performance, revenue, and growth and navigate an era of rapid digital acceleration.” banner_image=”id^3680|url^×655-1.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^Think-marketingStart-New-Challenge-Or-Revive-Your-Career-1024×655|description^null” banner_style=”style1″ banner_min_height_op=”custom” image_opacity=”1″ image_opacity_on_hover=”1″ banner_title_style=”font-weight:bold;” banner_min=”253″ banner_title_font_size=”desktop:27px;” banner_title_line_height=”desktop:26px;”]
[interactive_banner_2 banner_title=”The Future Of Branding Strategy” banner_desc=”Consumers now jump from brand to brand, product to product, and site to site at a flick of their wrists. At the same time, brand relevance remains high. Brands are beacons of trust. The more choices consumers have, the more important these beacons become.” banner_image=”id^3690|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^future of branding|description^null” banner_style=”style1″ banner_min_height_op=”custom” image_opacity=”1″ image_opacity_on_hover=”1″ banner_title_style=”font-weight:bold;” banner_min=”253″ banner_title_font_size=”desktop:27px;” banner_title_line_height=”desktop:27px;”]
[interactive_banner_2 banner_title=”Why Web3 Matters to Marketers” banner_desc=”Successful marketers know that embracing new technologies are just scratching the surface. To truly stand out against rapidly competitive industries, marketers must have their finger on the pulse of every new trend, tech, and development.” banner_image=”id^3689|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^web 3 marketing-plus|description^null” banner_style=”style1″ banner_min_height_op=”custom” image_opacity=”1″ image_opacity_on_hover=”1″ banner_title_style=”font-weight:bold;” banner_min=”253″ banner_title_font_size=”desktop:27px;” banner_title_line_height=”desktop:27px;”]

Mastering The Specialty

Leadership Roadmap

Brian Tracy

Egyptian Marketing Summit

Philip Kotler

Leadership Boot Camp

Stephen Covey

Next Generation Strategy

Michael Porter

Human Resources 2.0

Dave Ulrich

Business Thinking

Tony Buzan

Strategy Execution

Ram Charan

What’s Next in Marketing

Philip Kotler

Trusted By Amazing Partners & Sponsors

Count Every Second Until Event

[ult_countdown count_style=”ult-cd-s2″ datetime=”2022/11/28 16:52:23″ ult_tz=”ult-usrtz” countdown_opts=”sday,shr,smin,ssec” tick_col=”#85f3c9″ tick_sep_col=”#85f3c9″ tick_style=”font-weight:bold;” tick_size=”desktop:73px;” tick_unit_style=”font-weight:bold;” tick_sep_size=”desktop:17px;”]

Are you with us? Get your ticket now.

For our new edition of Cairo’s very unique Business Guru Events, we went bigger and louder, by inviting six incredible marketing gurus and thought leaders, 2 full days, 1st hand up-to-date knowledge, and one unforgettable experience. If you couldn’t make it in the past, here’s a new chance to attend the greatest marketing event in the region, a platform of new, yet unpublished ideas from the world’s top marketing gurus Live and in Person in Cairo.